Welcome To The Pulse Wars Community Games
Even in defeat you can still win !!!
Last updated
Even in defeat you can still win !!!
Last updated
PLAY - TRADE - WIN and claim prizes for your favourite PULSECHAIN community
All holders of Pulse Wars and Citizen NFTs can play for free (gas costs only) to try to claim their share of a weekly prizepool.
In addition to our fantasy league at pulsewars.io we will have a PLS swing trading weekly mini game.
Every week a prize pool will be replenished with up to 50 million PLS and additional sponsorship coins.
Each week NFT holders can take part by claiming a fictional $1000 DAI. This fictional amount can then be used to swing trade the PLS/DAI chart for 6 days (Monday AM to Saturday PM). Players will be able to buy / sell a maximum of 20 times each week
A league table will be compiled of all players who enter each week. Position in the table is based on the fictional $ value of the portfolio holdings. (all reset to zero each week)
Weekly Payouts (based on 50 million PLS)
1st place 6 million PLS
2nd place 3.5 Million PLS
3rd place 2 million PLS
4th to 10th 500k PLS each
Holders of Pulse Wars and Citizen NFTs can claim 1 of 20 community badges (see list above). These pledge affinity to that community, once claimed you cannot switch, so choose wisely! There are only 200 badges available per community.
The winner of the weekly mini game, will win 35 million PLS for their community. If you hold the same community badge as the winner you will be able to claim your share of the spoils
(If the winner does not hold a badge, we simply go down the leaderboard to find the highest placed player holding a badge, they will win the 35m PLS for their community) (everyone holding the winning badge for that week can claim a share of the 35m PLS)
(shares = 35,000,000 PLS divided 200 badges = 175,000 per badge)